email mail correct form

Email or mail: what is the correct form

“Mail or Email, that is the question?” a diatribe that seems to have no end, especially among the online audience that still proves to be uncertain regarding the correct spelling of the term. Actually the answer is quite intuitive if you think about the fact that the term derives from electronic mail and that therefore the abbreviated form always provides the e. Actually, being also two separate words, the correct term should be e-mail with the hyphen that highlights the abbreviation of the term and makes the two words distinct from each other. A hyphen that is necessary because the word consists of two separate lemmas but that instead often, by habit or speed, is eliminated giving rise to email, now become common in many contexts. But as already announced, doubts among the internet public on the correct rendering of the term lead every month to more than a thousand searches to understand how to write it correctly and are even more the queries that report the wrong form of the term such as “write mail“. Thanks to the numbers it is therefore easy to understand that for many less experienced internet users it is not so obvious the correct use of terms that have now become common in the daily lexicon. Aspect that turns out to be even more important if for example you own a shop or an online site since the use of correct terms does nothing but increase the authoritativeness and the credibility of your own figure. Not only regarding the readability but more in particular to provide an optimal first impression to an audience of the network increasingly attentive to details, given the numerous attempted fraud of which they are continuously exposed. To understand each other better, we can give a practical example: imagine going to the doctor who is not able to explain the use of certain medicines or who does not even remember the names.At first glance we would think that we are in front of an unreliable and professional person. The same applies on the internet with the only difference being that you do not have a face-to-face relationship with the person concerned, an aspect that makes even more skeptical users who tend to abandon poorly organized sites or pages where there are several errors. So pay attention to every detail because this time it can really make a huge difference!