
The Best Way to Send Email to Multiple Recipients

If you work with emails all day, you probably know how hard it is to send email to multiple recipients simultaneously. Sending each email simultaneously takes time, and marking everyone in the same email seems unprofessional (where the receiver can see others on the list). Also, if you don’t take the proper precautions, your email may be spam. This blog is for you if you want to know the best way to send an email to more than one person without dealing with the trouble discussed in the last paragraph.


In this article, we’ll talk about two ways to give you a clear, step-by-step plan for email to multiple recipients simultaneously.


1. The mail merge method

When we talk about mail merge, we mean adding some personalization. And a few other options. Using the mail merge feature, you can customize an email you will send to more than one person. The main reason mail merging is worth it is that it has a high rate of emails being opened and clicked on. One study found that the unique open rate for personalized emails was 29 per cent higher, and the unique click rate was 41 per cent higher. If you use the mail merge method, your email outreach will be more effective and focused on results. This is a simple point to make. This was the theory-related part of the mail merge. Now that we’ve talked about how to mail merge works, in theory, let’s move on to more practical ways to send an email to multiple recipients.

2. The way the BCC does things

“BCC,” which is “Blind Carbon Copy,” is the most common way to simultaneously send an email to multiple people. Using the BCC feature when sending an email to more than one person can make it look like the recipient is the only one who got the email by hiding the other recipients from them. The only good thing about the procedure is that it is easy to follow. Let me show you how to use the BCC tool in Gmail and Outlook so you can send email to multiple recipients simultaneously.