Mail on iPhone
E-mail, How to

How does Mail work on iPhone?

Since smartphones have become the preferred means of communication for the global public, several applications have been created to meet this purpose. It is always e-mail to be the master, with email still considered one of the most useful and effective communication tools available online. It was created to satisfy the demand of the Mail audience, the internal app proposed for all customers who rely on the Apple brand. The application in question allows you to manage every aspect related to your email address, regardless of the type of provider you use for this operation. Nothing so different from what you can do through the platforms of the various mail providers but with even greater accessibility and ease of use. All that remains then is to properly set Mail on your Iphone to be able to send and receive emails in comfort. But let’s see together how to do it!

Add your address to Mail automatically

An aspect that is only valid for providers such as icloud, Google or Yahoo allows you to automatically configure the account simply by entering emails and passwords. All you have to do is:

  • access the Settings of your Apple smartphone and click on the Mail button;
  • in the middle of the screen will appear the option Account where you will have to go and then tap on Add account, strating the registration process by selecting the provider among those exposed;
  • Once this action is complete, just enter your email and password and select the Next/Save option that appears at the bottom of the page.

The operation it’s now over, with the user who will now be able to manage his mailbox as he prefers directly within the Mail app. The operation, however, often and willingly, is not successful and for this reason the system requires a manual configuration of the account, but it can be done, even in this case, quickly and quickly.

Manually configure an account on Mail

A type of manual configuration, compared to the automatic one, requires a greater number of processes and the possession of specific information. Data that can still be found by contacting directly the provider used for e-mail. Once this requirement is met, you will only need to follow a few simple steps:

  • always go to the Setting section of the iPhone and the dedicated Mail area;
  • pressing on Account>Add account, this time on Other you will have to search for the item Add Mail account;
  • name, email address, password and an account description will be requested;
  • Once you have filled in each field, you can tap Next to make Mail automatically configure the acccount settings and then Finish once the process is successful.

Mail may not automatically find all the information related to the account and for this you will also have to enter them manually. In any case, the system will highlight this lack and guide the user so that the necessary data is entered correctly. Nothing too complicated in the end!